In Christian love to serve and seek justice in the community.
The History of Anglican Care began as the Social Service Council of the Diocese of Christchurch, enacted in 1952. The Act brought together a number of older organisations in the Diocese which pursued charitable purposes, including such bodies as St Anne's Guild Society and the Anglican Society of the Friends of the Aged.
The objects of the Council are to "organise, promote, perform, evaluate and monitor all forms of Christian social service undertaken by the Agency within the Diocese." The Council currently accomplishes these objects through several divisions, including the City Mission and Anglican Care South Canterbury.
The Bishop of Christchurch serves as the Warden for the Council, and the Trust Board includes members elected by Synod and by the members of the Council at general meetings. Trust Board members are required to be members of the Anglican Church.
In Christian love to serve and seek justice in the community.
Our services help people to understand and change the way their thoughts affect how they feel and behave. Most people see a counsellor because they are feeling sad, worried or angry. These feelings are usually caused by life crisis or life changes.